The Power to Innovate

Our Pedigree

We are a leading global power solutions manufacturer and a trusted partner to many Fortune 100 companies, having supplied in excess of 2 billion power products over our 44 year history. You can find Salom product in almost every household and office across the world, powering numerous consumer, medical and enterprise products.

Salom continues to grow through LEAN manufacturing improvements, investment in product innovation and our people worldwide resulting in customer service excellence.  We are determined to maintain and grow our global market leadership through further recruitment and reinvestment.

Power Our Values

Salom is committed to providing outstanding Power products and services of the highest quality;

• We listen to our customers and provide accurate and timely responses to their needs.
• We invest in technologies to enhance the Value that we provide to our customers.
• We minimise waste to deliver the most cost effective solutions with the least environmental impact.
• We strive to exceed customer expectations in all aspects of our business.
• We are open and honest in discussing any aspect of our business